
KNIGHTHAWK  KNOTE:  I read this, and I think it looks more like a Solo-kit, than a whole new role.  When I say kit, for those who don't know from Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, a kit is a more specific version of a base class (IE: Gladiator, Barbarians which come from the base fighter class.)  A more accurate similarity would be the Street Samurai or Bodyguard which is a more specific version of the Solo.  I think this shows some good merits, and I find the BALLISTICS skill to be inovative.  Thank you Josh Mayo for your contribution, it is greatly appreciated.

Special Ability: Combat Sense
Weapon smith
Wilderness Survival
Persuasion/Fast talk

Ballistics is a skill that takes into account a character’s knowledge of his/her particular weapon, such as its bullet drop at certain ranges, how the wind will effect the bullet etc. In game terms, divide the ballistics skill by 3 then round up. This is added to all extreme range shots.

EX: The character is trying to take out his target at extreme range. His Ref of 8 + a rifle skill of 9 + a ballistics of 7/3 rounded up to 3. This gives our hero a whopping total of 20. Helps out on those long shots, don’t you think?

Another use of Ballistics is for a character to determine range without any technological assistance. This is an intelligence based skill so our character takes his Int of 6 + Ballistics of 7 = 13. It’s up to GM’s discretion as to how difficult it is to determine the range, and how accurate of a determination it will be. A general rule of thumb is 1-5 over min then the guess is within 20 meters, 6-7 over it is within 10 either way, and greater than 7 they know within 5 meters.

As a general hint to those of you considering being a sniper, big bad weapons with long range also mean that there will be big bad recoil. So, use a few extra character points on the Bod and make you’re character’s life a lot less painful.

Josh Mayo