The Dirty Pair Battle Armor:
SP: 25 (Torso)
Requires: PLGs & BOD 6 minimum
EV: 0

SDP: 5
Options: TA + communications link (500m range)

SP: 25
SDP: 12
Options: Either 2 rear mounted SMG's (SMG -2 J N 2d6+3 35 25 VR 50m)
              or 2 rear-mounted, forward facing aerial mine launchers (HVY  +1 J N 4d10 4 4 VR 75m)
             1 reload for Bazooka OR 2  reloads for the Kramer

SP: 25 (15% chance of being hit)
SDP: 10
Options: Micromissile Launcher (15-rack) (HVY +2 L R 4d6 30 15/2 VR 200m)

Carried Weapons:
Kramer SMG (SMG +1 L P 3d6 50 2 VR 150m)
30mm Bazooka (HVY 0 N P 4d10 HE 15 2 VR 350m)

SMG's w/ carried SMG 47,000
SMG's w/ carried Bazooka 50,000
Mines w/ caried SMG 49,500
Mines w/ carried Bazooka 52,500