INT  1
REF  11
MA  12
BOD  12
COOL  12
EMP  1
Combat Sense    +5 Claws   +8
Built in Weapon +8 Bite      +8
Shadow/Track   +8 Stealth +8
Climb                 +7 Dodge   +5
Built-In Weapons
Grenade Launcher -1 7d6 (5m/rad) 30 2 VR 150m
Rocket Launcher -1 5d10 (7m/rad) 15 2 VR 800m
Laser Projector +1 4d6 25 1/3 VR 250m

Genomutants are genetically engineered battle beasts.  They serve no other purpose.  These jibbering freaks of science have developed their own social structure.  This structure resembles that of a colony (though there is no queen and the genomutants lack reproductive means).  These creatures typically are found in a defensive role, even long after their protectorate has been eradicated.  These creatures being that they are artificial, do not require a typical organism's life-sustaining requirements (food, water, etc.).  The genomutant exists in one of two states, active and hybernating.  When the genomutant is grown, one of the 3 afore-mentioned weapons is mounted on its back.  The ammunition (or power pack for Laser Projectors) is contained within the chest and abdomine.  The genomutant dies when all its ammunition is expended or shot to death.  If the mutation's weapon is exhausted, a 2 kg  package of plastique (also located in the genomutant's chest cavity) goes off.  Every time the genomutant takes a round to the torso, there is a 15% chance the plastique is hit and goes off.