Munchkin Manual Annex #4: Cyberpunk

Written by:
Roger Burton-West <>
Sean Desmond <>
Se/an Keane
Shaun Murrant

With changes written in by uplink (
And more from Mark....Booth <>
Spelling corrections by Britt (and I know I missed some...)

Favourite character type:

Real Men:                play Solos or Nomads
Real Role-players:       play Fixers or Techies
Loonies:                 play Rockers
                         play Politicians or Pizza-Delivery Men
                         play Royal family poseur gangers
Munchkins:               play Street Samurai or Psionic Vampires
                         play any character with +10 in special ability --
                              usually higher.

Favourite weapon:

Real Men:                use the Militech Advanced Assault Rifle
                         United Nations Colonial marine corps M42 A2
Real Role-players:       use light SMGs
                         use medium autopistols and light SMGs
                         use Glock 30s or Baretta M20-Fs with gun-cams
Loonies:                 use a .22 Gatling
                         use donuts
                         use a buzz hand on a grapple fist as a ranged weapon
Munchkins:               use a  Barrett-Arasaka 20mm cannon, modified
                           for fully automatic fire, with a sawed-off
                           barrel and a cut-down stock to fit under an
                           armoured long coat
                         use the all-new 10mm man-portable railgun or,
                           in a pinch, use an Anti-Matter Rifle
                         have a remote control pad for a lunar rail gun 
                           or two

Favourite armour:

Real Men:                wear MetalGear
Real Role-players:       wear a light armour jacket
                         wear Lawtech skintight
Loonies:                 wear a t-shirt and ripped jeans
                         wear armored opera cloaks
                         hide in armoured wheelie bins
Munchkins:               get a Dragoon full-body conversion
                         wear ACPA Powered Armor

Favourite cyberware:

Real Men:                like reflex boosts and  smartgun link (is this
                           a trick question?)
Real Role-players:       like interface plugs
                         like inobvious cyberware
Loonies:                 like a forehead-mounted Mr Studd [TM]
                         like the Cyber-Bar
                                             in both legs
Munchkins:               get a HumanityRestoraTron [TM]
                         like the Full Body Conversions, preferably the 
                           Dragoon model, with full inpatient therapy and
                           really low Humanity Loss rolls
                         like Gemini Full body conversions (so they can
                            fit into their ACPA) and get it fitted at the
                            Scandinavian clinics so they get no humanity
                            loss on average.

Favourite vehicle:

Real Men:                AV-4 with gatling cannon
Real Role-players:       Bicycle
                         Recumbent motorcycles or classic Harleys
Loonies:                 Advertising blimp
                         Cyber scates
Munchkins:               Punknaught with the works, with extra pepperoni
                         AV-9s with full military loads, or 
                            the M-6 Main Battle Tank

When cornered in a firefight:

Real Men:                take out the REAL big gun and tell them to
                           back off before they get hurt
Real Role-players:       switch sides
                         shout "You have the right to remain silent......."
Loonies:                 click the heels of their combat boots together
                           and say "there's no place like home".
Munchkins:               break their Trauma Team card
                         call in a micro-Orbital strike

Favourite method of B&E:

Real Men:                kick the door down and  wonder where the other
                           PCs have gone
Real Role-players:       look under doormat for keys
                         use their B&E tools to casually but stealthily
                           gain entrance
Loonies:                 ring the doorbell
Munchkins:               use the Militech Plastic Explosive Delivery Service
                         use Militech
                         use detcord

Find employment as:

Real Men:                Bodyguard
Real Role-players:       Librarian
                         Fixers, console cowboys
Loonies:                 Quality Control personnel for Second Chance
                           Armour Inc.
                         Rodent Control personnel in Night City
Munchkins:               CEO (at age 15)
                         CEOs of three major megacorps by the time they're
                         set up their own corporation, and are rivals to
                           Arasaka and EBM combined within 2 years.

*Recieve payment in:

Real Men:                Cash, Cyberwear, favors
Real Role-players:       Preceous metal &/or stones, gear, stock, information,women
Loonies:                 Pets, cheese pizzas, a cruise on the Titanic II
Munchkins:               small islands, orbital satalite weaponry

*Keep their money in:

Real Men:                Swiss Bank Accounts
Real Role-players:       Front money, route through proxies
Loonies:                 Under your bed, Money belt
Munchkins:               Can't hold on to it long enough to have to worry.