Chrome Beret New Member Application

Please be sure to fill out each field carefully and completely. Incomplete applications will not be processed. We will contact you after your application has been processed and accepted, at which point you will be added to the member roster and provided with the user name and password for the Chrome Berets Member Portal.

Standard Personal Information

First Name

Last Name






Zip/Postal Code


Contact Information



Yahoo Messenger


Gaming Experience

How long have you played RPGs?

What RPGs have you played?

How long have you run RPGs?

What RPGs have you run?

How long have you run any R. Talsorian Games products?

What R. Talsorian Games products have you run?

Convention Experience

Have you ever attended a convention?

Have you ever attended a gaming convention?

Have you ever run an event at a gaming convention?

Demo Experience

Have you ever demo'ed for another gaming company (if yes, how long, are you still with them, can we contact them)?

If you do not have experience, what do you think goes into working on a demo team?


What do you feel is your best attribute?

What can you feel you can contribute to the Chrome Berets?

What are you hoping to get out of this experience?